
06-03-2019 1087 Views

Consumers of BSW products showed max. Net Promoter Score to the plant

Based on the survey, customers of OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" demonstrated  Net Promoter Score to Byelorussian producer of steel products in 2018 as 81,4 per cent. This is the highest level for recent four years during which BSW monitors this parameter.


06-03-2019 1156 Views

BSW will hold republican seminar for harmonization of international standards for Byelorussian mechanical engineering sector

In 2nd half of February OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" will hold republican seminar ‘Prospects for mechanical engineering enterprises in Belarus to use hot rolled round bars produced by BSW considering harmonization of international standards’. Representatives from state administration and scientific organizations as well as managers of mechanical engineering companies will participate in the large-scale forum.


06-03-2019 1089 Views

Actually every second day in 2018 BSW was audited

50 external audits were conducted at OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" in 2018: 35 among them were conducted by certification authorities, 15 by consumers of products. Preliminary, one can say that in 2018 BSW experienced 179 audit-days, which demonstrates a big range of products produced, large sales geography and consumer’s big interest in BSW.


27-01-2019 1209 Views

More than one fourth of the products shipped by BSW in 2018 is innovative

In 2018 OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" sold more than 2,36 mln t. of steel products, and more than 26% of which is innovative.


25-01-2019 1198 Views

BSW received two awards in ‘Best goods of the Republic of Belarus’ contest.

OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" became laureate in ‘Best goods of the Republic of Belarus’ contest in category ‘Technical and industrial goods’. The company also received diploma ‘Sustained quality’. Results of the contest were summarized at the start of January 2019.


18-01-2019 1212 Views

BSW revenue exceeded USD 1,5 bln

OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" surpassed the level of USD 1,5 bln. in shipping the products. This figure exceeds the total figure of 2017 by USD 293 mln.


17-01-2019 1217 Views

BMZ and Continental signed a record contract for product supply

OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" signed a contract with Continental so to supply 32,8 thou. t. of steel cord in 2019. This quantity is the biggest throughout the whole 23-year period of cooperation of two companies.


16-01-2019 1235 Views

Sales proceeds of «Byelorussian metallurgical company» holding exceeded $2 billion

According to operational data, revenue of the enterprises included into   Belarusian metallurgical company holding exceeded $2 billion. This figure was achieved in 11 months and 12 days of 2018, which is the best result in the history of the holding existence.


27-12-2018 1146 Views

BSW invested in labor protection more than 1 million dollars

During the 10 months of 2018, the investments of OJSC“BSW - Management Company of “BMC” holding”, in ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for its employees amounted about $ 1.2 million dollars.


20-12-2018 1220 Views

BSW increased sales by more than 70% to overseas for automotive sector

Within 11 months 2018 OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" exported around 1 mln 845 thou. t. of products to the amount of more than USD 1,155 bln. Growth rate vs. the same period of 2017 in physical terms is 106,6%, in money terms 128%. This performance was voiced at enlarged meeting of members of BSW commodity distribution network on December 12.
