*Regulatory documents are only available in Russian
List of GOST
Round steel bars
Hot-rolled alloy structural bars - Contract, Specification
Hot-rolled alloy structural steel (bars and coils) - DIN EN 10083-2:2006, DIN EN 10025-2:2005
Hot-rolled alloy structural steel (bars and coils) - DIN EN 10083-3:2007, DIN EN 10263-4:2002
Hot-rolled carbon quality structural steel bars - GOST 1050-2013
Hot-rolled metal of quality and alloy structural steel - GOST 1050-2013
Hot-rolled metal of quality and alloy structural steel - GOST 14959-79
Hot-rolled metal of quality and alloy structural steel - GOST 4543-71
Hot-rolled quality structural steel bars for cold heading and extrusion - GOST 10702-78
Hot-rolled round section - ASTM A322-13, ASTM A29/A29M-15
Hot-rolled round section - ASTM A350/A350M-15
Hot-rolled round section - ASTM A576-90b(2006), ASTM A29/A29M-15
Hot-rolled round section - Contract
Hot-rolled round section - DIN EN 10025-2:2005
Hot-rolled round section - DIN EN 10083-2:2006
Hot-rolled round section - DIN EN 10083-3:2007
Hot-rolled round section - DIN EN 10084:2008
Hot-rolled round section - Specification
Section, hot-rolled steel of concast bearing steel - TU BY 400074854.010-2011
Нot-rolled carbon ordinary-quality bars - GOST 535-2005
Reinforcing bars
cold-deformed reinforcing plain non-pre-stressed steel S500 class for concrete structures - STB 1341-2009
cold-deformed reinforcing wire B500A class - IBDiM No.AT/2010-02-2641/2
cold-deformed reinforcing wire B500A class - ITB No. AT-15-9480/2015 B500A
Concrete reinforcing steel BSt500KR(A), BSt500M, B500NA classes
- LST EN 10080,
Hot-rolled alloy steel for cold extrusion and upsetting in coils - Contract
Hot-rolled round plain rebar А-I (А240) in coils - GOST 5781-82
Low-alloy cold- deformed wire for concrete reinforcement Bp-1 Class - Specification N 703-0/CC-2013, TU BY 4000744854.071-2013
Low-alloy cold- deformed wire for concrete reinforcement Bp-1 Class - Specification N 704-0/CC-2013, TU BY 4000744854.071-2013
Non-prestressed reinforcing bar grade S500 - Specification 1342-0/SS-2013
Nonprestressed plain rebar S240 in coils - STB 1704-2012
Pre-stressed die-rolled section bars S800 class - STB 1706-2006
Reinforcing coils B500A class - DIN 488-1,3:2009,
DIN 488-6:2010
reinforcing die-rolled section bars A400 class - GOST 5781-82
reinforcing die-rolled section bars A500C class - STO ASChM 7-93 (RB excluded)
Reinforcing die-rolled section bars S500 class - STB 1704-2012
Reinforcing die-rolled steel B550A class - ONORM B 4707:2014
Reinforcing non-pre-stressed steel S500 class for concrete structures - STB 1704-2012
Reinforcing steel B500A class - NEN 6008:2010,
BRL 0501:2010
Reinforcing steel B500K class - SFS 1257-1996
Reinforcing steel B500NA class - NS 3576-1:2005,
NS EN 10080:2005
Reinforcing wire with periodic section bst500m class - DIN 488-1-84,
DIN 488-4-86
Steel reinforcing die-rolled wire, Bp-1 class - GOST 6727-80 (RB excluded)
Thermo-mechanically treated reinforcing die-rolled section bars At800 class - GOST 10884-94 (RB excluded), GOST 34028-2016
weld die-rolled section bars A500C class - GOST R 52544-2006 (RB excluded), GOST 34028-2016
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - ASTM A615/A615M-16
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - BS 4449:2005+А3:2016
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - Contract
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - COVENIN 316:2000 (ver.4)
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - CSA G30.18-09 (R 2014)
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - DIN 488-1-84, DIN 488-2-86
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - NS 3576-3:2012
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - ÖNORM B 4707:2010
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - PN-ISO 6935-2:1998, PN-ISO 6935-2/Ak:1998/Ap1:1999
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - SFS 1215-1996
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - SFS 1216-1998
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - SFS 1269-2010
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - Specification N 693-0/SS-2006
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - SS 212540:2014
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures - SS 4466-3:2013
Weld die-rolled section bars for concrete structures class В500ВWR - ES: 262 – 2 / 2009 , ISO: 6935 – 2 / 2007
weld reinforcing die-rolled steel
B500C class for concrete reinforcement
- GOST P 52544-2006 , GOST 34028-2016
Steel wire rod
Alloy steel - Specifications
Carbon ordinary steel - GOST 30136-95
Carbon ordinary steel for packaging and other purposes - TU BY 400074854.033-2006
Carbon ordinary steel to be converted into wire - TU BY 400074854.032-2014
Carbon quality steel - Specifications
Carbon steel - ASTM A510/A510M-13
Carbon steel - DIN EN 10025-2:2005
Carbon steel - Specification
Carbon steel of improved quality to be converted into wire - Specifications
Carbon steel of improved quality to be converted into wire - TU BY 400074854.044-2014
High carbon steel for tire cord production - Specifications
Hot rolled steels for quenched and tempered springs - EN10089-2002
Hot-rolled carbon and alloy spring steel in coils - GOST 14959-79
Hot-rolled carbon quality structural steel in coils - GOST 1050-2013
Hot-rolled quality structural carbon steel for cold extrusion and upsetting in coils - GOST 10702-78
Hot-rolled structural alloy steel for cold extrusion and upsetting in coils - TU14-1-4486-88
Ribbed from non-alloyed carbon steel - Specifications
Steel cord
Steel cord for cars - TU BY 400074854.004-2006
Steel cord for cars - TU BY 400074854.004-2006
Steel cord for cars and lorries tires - TU BY 400074854.004-2006
Steel cord for heavy and beyond heavy tires - Specification
Steel cord for lorries tires - TU BY 400074854.004-2006
Bronze-plated bead wire - TU BY 40074854.011-2006
Carbon wire for mesh - TU BY 400074854.016-2006
Copper-coated welding steel wire - TU BY 400074854.007-2006,
GOST 2246-70 , Specification 1352-0/SS-2013
Hot-rolled round plain rebar А-I (А240) in coils - GOST 5781-82
Hot-rolled round plain rebar А-I (А240) in coils - GOST 5781-82
Low-carbon general-purpose steel wire - GOST 3282-74
Nail carbon steel wire - TU BY 400074854.028-2006
Spoke steel wire - TU BY 400074854.012-2013
Steel brass-plated wire for hose wire (hose wire-1, hose-wire-2, hose wire-3, hose wire-4) - TU BY 400074854.020-2015
Steel carbon spring wire - GOST 9389-75
Welding steel wire without coating - TU BY 400074854.007-2006, ZTU 840-07-2012, GOST 2246-70
Concast Billet - GOST 4543-71
Concast billet - TU 14-1-4268-87
Concast billet (bloom) - Contract
Concast billet (bloom) - DIN EN 10025-1:2005,
DIN EN 10025-2:2005
Concast billet (bloom) - DIN EN 10025-1:2005, DIN EN 10025-2:2005
Concast billet (bloom) - DIN EN 10083-2:2006
Concast billet (bloom) - DIN EN 10083-3:2007
Concast billet (bloom) - DIN EN 10084:2008
Concast billet (bloom) - GOST 1050-2013
Concast billet (bloom) - GOST 4543-71
Concast billet (bloom) - Specification
Concast billet (round) - Specification N 1061-0/SS-2010
Marketable hot-rolled billet - Contract
Marketable hot-rolled billet - TU 14-1-4492-88
Pipe billet - ASTM A322-13
Pipe billet - ASTM A576-90b
Pipe billet - Contract
Pipe billet, carbon, low-alloy and alloy steel grades - GOST R 53932-2010
Micro fiber - DIN EN 14889-1:2006
Micro fiber - TU 14-1-5564-2008
Micro fiber - TU BY 400074854.628-2011
Steel anchor fiber - DIN EN 14889-1:2006
Steel anchor fiber - TU 14-1-5564-2008
Steel anchor fiber - TU BY 400074854.628-2011
Wave steel fiber - DIN EN 14889-1:2006 , specifications
Wave steel fiber - DIN EN 14889-1:2006, specifications
Wave steel fiber - TU 14-1-5564-2008
Wave steel fiber - TU BY 400074854.628-2011
Chilled iron shot and grit
Aggregate - TY BY 700123720.017-2013
Aggregate for heavy concrete - TY BY 700123720.054 -2013
Ballast shot - TY BY 700123720.010-2013
Chilled iron grit - GOST 11964-81
Chilled iron shot - GOST 11964-81
Welded tubes
Electro welded zinc plated Pipes - GOST 10704-91
Electro welded zinc plated pipesn - GOST 10704-91
High carbon steel for tire cord production - DIN EN 10219-1,2
High carbon steel for tire cord production - DIN EN 10219-1,2
High carbon steel for tire cord production - GOST 10704-91, 10705-80
High carbon steel for tire cord production - GOST 13663-86, GOST 8645-68, GOST 8639-82
Rectangular steel pipes zinc plated - GOST 8645-68
Square steel tubes zinc plated - GOST 8639-82
Water and gas supplying tubes - GOST 3262-75
Zinc plated water and gas supplying tubes - GOST 3262-75