Archiv news

21-01-2017 2541 Views

BSW disproves information concerning «problems» with Byelorussian wire rod at Polish market

On December, 20, 2016 daily Polish newspaper «Rzeczpospolita» published an article with the title «European Community is going to protect steel market» and included inadequate information relating OJSC «BSW — management company of «BMC» holding». In particular, commenting the situation Chairman of the Chamber of commerce and industry, Stefan Dzennyak said: «We have just solved the problem with flow of rebars from Belarus to Poland and already faced another problem with wire rod from the same plant…». BSW being the only one manufacturer of wire rod in Belarus strongly objects to that statement.

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01-12-2016 2963 Views

Bar & Wire rod Mill (BMZ) achieved designed capacity

November 29, 2016: team of Rolling mill-2 achieved designed capacity of monthly production ahead of time: the shop people produced 57 500th ton of rolled product to orders of specific customers.

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30-11-2016 2628 Views

Steel Wire Shop 1 (BMZ) have dispatched anniversary ton of product

The team of steel wire shop-1 started Monday morning in a very ceremonial way. It is symbolic, but the shop produced their anniversary batch of product on November 21 (right on their 29th birthday). The team put a sticker on 993 kg. box saying ‘1 million 700 thousand tons’.

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14-11-2016 3259 Views

General Director of BMZ Anatoly Savenok was awarded with Badge “Quality Leader”

General Director of OJSC “Byelorussian Steel Works  - management company of holding “Byelorussian Metallurgical Company ” Anatoly Savenok  was awarded with Badge  “Quality Leader”  for  personal contribution to the highest achievements in quality development and system management.

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10-11-2016 2890 Views

Joint enterprise "BMZ - Gas-Oxygen Station" (BMZ-GOS) delivered 100 million cubic meters of oxygen to BMZ

Such volume was delivered to BMZ since the startup of air-separating plant. 12,7million m³ of nitrogen and 855 thousand m³ of argon were delivered to BMZ since May of last year.

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