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20-07-2015 2336 Views

The Scientific and Technical Conference "Metal-2015" is carried out at BMZ

On July 8-9, 2015 the Scientific and Technical Conference of young specialists “Metal-2015” is carried out using the facilities of Metallurgical College. 145 speaker applied to participate at the forum. The number of works, that will be presented under consideration of “Metal-2015” jury,  increased by 25 as compared with preceding year.

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08-07-2015 2408 Views

Record-breaking number of people visited BMZ Open Day

June 27: Byelorussian Steel Works opened the doors for all comers. The Open Day turned out to be a great occasion for townspeople as well as for guests of Zhlobin. It is safe to say that this year this day is record-breaking for the number of visitors as well as the programme was really rich.

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30-06-2015 2313 Views

At BMZ the possible projects will be discussed with companies from Saxony

At Byelorussian Steel Works the International Forum will be held on July 30, 2015. The possibility of cooperation with companies from Saxony will be discussed at the meeting.

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18-06-2015 2398 Views

BMZ is among the top three

Summarizing the results of Gomel regional contest “The best organization of ideological work among industrial enterprises” Byelorussian Steel Works was in the top three. The results were announced during the Republican ideological seminar of Gomel region that was held on June 12, 2015.

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15-06-2015 2355 Views

BMZ is the winner in Competence 2014 contest

Summarizing the results of annual contest ‘Competence 2014’, Chief metrologist department (Byelorussian Steel Works) became the best in the country in the field of calibration of measuring instruments. The representatives of the company were given winner diploma on June 9, 2015 on International Accreditation Day.

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