
10-11-2016 2889 Views

Joint enterprise "BMZ - Gas-Oxygen Station" (BMZ-GOS) delivered 100 million cubic meters of oxygen to BMZ

Such volume was delivered to BMZ since the startup of air-separating plant. 12,7million m³ of nitrogen and 855 thousand m³ of argon were delivered to BMZ since May of last year.


Byelorussian Steel Works use about 95% of BMZ-GOS products at present. Due to the startup of air-separating plant, BMZ don’t purchase the  deficient 40% oxygen. Joint enterprise “BMZ - Gas-Oxygen Station” (BMZ-GOS) delivers the rest 5% pproducts to such companies as: liquid oxygen – “Gomelvtorchermet”, argon – BELAZ, nitrogen – Atlant (Minsk and Baranovitchi). Gomselmash purchases also a small quantity of oxygen. The conducted tender allowed to reach such annual cooperation with these companies.

It should be noted that in 2016 Joint enterprise “BMZ - Gas-Oxygen Station” (BMZ-GOS) developed its foreign markets. The development began with the argon sales in Poland last year. Now the export geography covers Bulgaria, Rumania, Moldova. The consignments to foreign countries are about 200 t.

 BMZ - Gas-Oxygen Station (BMZ-GOS) is a joint enterprise (founders - Open Joint-Stock Company "Byelorussian Steel Works - management company of "Byelorussian Metallurgical Company" holding", Belmet Handelsges.m.b.H (Austria), BELASTAHL Aussenhandel GmbH (Germany),LCC “Iron Trade” (Russia), OJSC “Pskovvtorchermet” (Russia). The production capacity of enterprise (its startup was on May 28, 2015) allows to manufacture till 10 thou m³ of nitrogen per hour, till 2,5 thou m³ of nitrogen per hour and 195 m³ of argon per hour.