
23-11-2015 2167 Views

BMZ was awarded with three prizes at Metal-Expo-2015

Byelorussian Steel Works became the winner of Cup “The best exposition” in 21st International industrial exhibition “Metal Expo-2015”. Two awards for the best video in metallurgy increased the BMZ collection at this autumn event.

This year the industrial exhibition “Metal Expo-2015” gathered 570 companies from 34 countries. 420 booth were placed at Moscow halls of All-Russian Exhibition Center, one of which was OJSC “Byelorussian Steel Works –management company “BMC ” holding”. During four days more than 25 thou. people visited the BMZ stand that was occupied 98 square meters .  In the participants’ judgment the Belarusian metallurgists succeeded in emphasizing the individuality and peculiarity of Byelorussian metallurgical company, in advertising  achievements, new technologies and projects. The main idea of BMZ presentation became the promotion of new rolling shop-2 products.


The top managers, representatives of commodity distribution network and marketing specialists of BMZ took an active part in all events within the forum. By the way, the program was enough massive: more than 40 conferences, seminars and round table discussions that were devoted on different steel market shares, scientific and technical development, materials technology and etc.


In summing up the results, the specialists appreciated highly the efficiency of their participation in forum. In their opinion, Metal Expo is the best platform for direct contacts and and more profound dialogs with customers.  Here it is possible to discuss all questions, learn client demands, solve efficiently incipient problems. An enough fruitful activity in this exhibition will give an additional impulse to develop mutual relationship with suppliers and customers of BMZ products.