
14-09-2015 2213 Views

Reinforcing bar produced by BMZ is “The Best Construction Material of the Year”

The winners in Republican Professional Competition “The Best Construction Product 2015’ were announced on September 8. The product of Byelorussian Steel Works was announced in ‘The Best construction material (article) of the Year’ nomination. This big status was given to ribbed weldable reinforcing bar А500С according to GOST R 52544 — 2006.

The winners of the competition were selected by the experts in their area of expertise, who know the product well and those with big reputation in their professional field. In addition to physical-mechanical properties of the products in competition, the experts took a number of additional factors into account, such as: history of product application, complaints from customers, quality management system in place at the manufacturer’s, service system in place, etc. All this gives them the possibility for objective and comprehensive assessment of the products in competition.


   — BMZ has been participating actively in this competition for more than ten years (starting year was 2004), proving our right to be the best. The product in this year competition was appreciated by the committee for its technical figures, production level and consumer properties. The mentioned standard is mostly used when constructing bridges, high-rise buildings, etc., where more severe and specific requirements apply to the rolled product, — said leading process engineer (Rolling shop) V.V.Gordienko.

   By the way, the product recognized this year as the Best Construction article, was the winner twice in the competition ‘The Best Commodities of Belarus in the Russian Market’ (2010, 2013), as well as it was the winner in the competition ‘The Best commodity of Belarus’ in  2014.