
22-04-2015 2475 Views

Foreign partners of BMZ laid “Avenue of Peace” in honor of seventieth anniversary of Great Victory

On April 16, 2015 the representatives of commodity distribution network of BMZ planted the trees at “Avenue of Peace”, laid in honor of seventieth anniversary of Great Victory. The event was held within the Q1 (2015) result meeting of members of commodity distribution network.

The avenue of maple was laid out in front of administrative building of BMZ. It is a tribute of respect to all veterans who battled for Peace and made the modern achievements of BMZ staff and its partners possible. The first 17 ball-shaped maples were planted by the BMZ management and representatives of commodity distribution network who represent the enterprise the world over. In the future the “Avenue of Peace” is planned to become bigger: the business partners, honorary guests, managers of holding will be entitled to plant the trees.




At present the BMZ commodity distribution network includes 4 joint ventures (in Austria, Germany, China and the USA), 3 trading houses (2 – in Russia, 1 in Lithuania) and 10 distributors.

As for Q1 results of 2015, 60% of BMZ products were sold through the commodity distribution network. The top 5 countries – customers for 3 months of 2015 are: Russia — 21,1%, Poland — 15,8%, Germany — 14,4%, Lithuania — 12,0%, the USA — 8,5 %. It should be noted that the Russian market share decreased by 7,5% against the same period of previous year, the sales through BMZ commodity distribution network in Poland,  Germany, Lithuania, the USA went up by 5,2%, 4,1%, 1,6% and 1,6%, respectively. These figures indicate that at present the European market is priority for BMZ (62,9%), CIS with 21,1%, the American market ranks third with 9,6%.