
02-04-2015 2432 Views

BSW shipped for export the first products from new small-section rolling mill

On March, 31 at OJSC «BSW — management company of «BMC» holding» took place significant event: the first product manufactured in Section-rolling mill № 2 (SRM-2) was shipped for export. Twenty tons of wire rod were sold to the customer in Bulgaria through an enterprise of a commodity distribution network of BSW («Belmet» (Austria)).

The first successful hot testing of equipment in SRM-2 was accomplished on March, 16. On that day on rolling mill 370150 was manufactured the first coil of wire rod. Since that day has been manufactured over 190 tons of marketable products. The greater part of products was supplied to Rechitsa Hardware Plant. On the 31st of March was made the first shipment for export.


   It should be noted that to ensure efficient sales of SRM-2 products before start up of the mill during the year 2014 was carried out active work: situation in the market was analyzed, customers’ requirements and specifications for the product were studied, and audits were carried out. Allmentionedactivitiesallowedtosignimportantcontracts.

   At the moment simultaneously with manufacturing of marketable products fine tuning of operating practices is performed, rolling process is improved and preparation for guarantee testing of equipment is carried out. Official start-up of section rolling mill is scheduled for May, 2015.


   New section rolling mill is the key investment project of BSW in the current five-year plan. By ordinance of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus that mill was included into the list of the most significant projects for establishment of new enterprises and production facilities having great importance for innovative development of the country.  Different types of rolled products including round bars for automotive industry will be manufactured in SRM-2. The mill is designated for production of wire rod with diameters range 5,5 to 22mm, round bars with diameters range 20 to 80 mm and coiled rounds with diameters range  20 to 50 mm.