
31-03-2015 2642 Views

BMZ achieves a new daily result.

On March 26, 2015 the workers of Electric Steel Melting Shop-2 of BMZ have reached a new production result. 3310 t of steel were produced and cast for twenty-four hours.

The previous maximum daily result (3 143 t) was registered at  EAF-3 on December 21, 2014 and  CCM-3 cast the record quality of steel - 3261 t on January 7, 2013.

This record was achieved by the workers of the teams  -3 and – 1 under the direction of N. E. Rojkov and G. V. Derevianko. The workers have manufactured 30 meltings (3310 t of steel).

It should be noted the date of March 26 was marked for BMZ by a high result of Steel Melting Production in whole: the staff of Steel Melting Shop-1 and -2 have produced 9134 t of steel.