
03-09-2014 2654 Views

New application of pipes of BMZ - hydro seam fracture

By results of industrial tests the specialists of JSC “Yuganskneftegaz” (subsidiary of Rosneft)gave a good reference to quality and possibility to use the supplied tubing for hydro seam fracture. These products were manufactured from pipes of BMZ by its finishing (threading) at  the partner’s production plant of  JSC“Tubing Technology”.

ImageHydro seam fracture is one of stimulation technique of work of oil and gas well and increase it intake capacity. This technique allows to “vivify” idle wells where the extraction of oil and gas is not possible or not profitable by traditional methods.

  The high quality and geometry requirements applied  for pipes for hydro seam fracture.

It is evident by the fact that at present no one producer from CIS is approved to supply these products regularly.   By results of pipe supplies and it finishing in 2014 BMZ with JSC“Tubing Technology” is going to consolidate a position in this product segment and to increase considerably volumes of supplies in 2015.