
11-09-2018 1340 Views

BSW was admitted absolute winner of XV anniversary Republican competition «The best construction product of year»

By the results of XV anniversary Republican competition «The best construction product of year», conclusion of which was announced on 5 September, OJSC “BSW – management company of “BMC” holding was twice award-winning: rebar, produced at BSW, was awarded a winner and the plant itself became a holder of Grand prix.


By decision of Expert committee of competition unstressed hot rolled reinforcement of concrete of class S500 in bundles of diameter 10 – 40 mm produced by requirements of STB 1704-2012 was admitted a winner in nomination “The best construction material (product) of year”. This product is intended for increase of strength andoperation period of concrete that allows finding wide application in construction field.    


   Presentation of competitionGrand prix to Byelorussian Steel Works became especially honorary. By decision of Expert committee BSW was admittedabsolute winner of competition «The best construction product of year - 2018» forinnovativeness and high quality of produced products, modern and efficient organization of production. This evaluation of jury which includes representatives of leading research, construction and design organizations of country is renewed recognition of highworking efficiency of many-thousand BSW team.     

   It should be mentioned that competitiveness in anniversary 15th competition «The best construction product of year» was particularly high: 83 enterprises pretended to its participation which were able to provide more than 100 products. As a result of preliminary sampling and examination of submitted documents their number has decreased: 63 organizations and 86 products reached the final. According to conditions, during evaluation of products which was applied for competition several criteria were taken into consideration.  Among the main ones: demand for products on the market, absence of complaints connected with quality and presence of positiveclient feedback.

  Products of Byelorussian Steel Works have become a winner of competition “The best construction product of year”annually from 2010.