
15-08-2018 1539 Views

BSW collective will be fulfilled by more than 200 young specialists

Current year over 200 graduates of Universities and institutions of secondary special education will be employed at OJSC “BSW – management company of “BMC” holding”. In August young people will already start working in factory shops and different services of enterprise.


Annually BSW provides the first working places for hundreds of young employees.  Just during last five years about one and a half thousand graduates of higher education Institutes and specialized secondary schools were employed at plant. Herewith our enterprise doesn’t seeks simply to give young specialists the possibility of working in modern company of world level but to create for them all conditions for professional and personal self-realisation. Thus to facilitate the adaptation there ismentoring system implying assignment of employees newly hired to experienced workers. Young specialists Union and primary organization BRSM operate at BSW which carry out various activities: annual scientific conference “Metal”, sport competitions, intellectual games and others. Regularly meetings with top management of plant are organized for youth, within it there is the opportunity to tell about any problems directly or make proposals about work improvement.

It should be noted that according to results of 2017 OJSC “BSW – management company of “BMC” holding was named The best employer in nomination “Socially responsible brand” in competition “Brand of the year”.