At BMZ the Collective Agreement was concluded for 2018-2021
On March 16, 2018 the reporting conference of the primary Trade Union Organization of OJSC "BSW —management company "BMC" holding” was carried out, which summed up the results of work in 2017 and adopted a Collective Agreement for 2018-2021
The main trade Union forum of the year gathered more than 400 delegates of the company. The conference was also attended by Chairman of the Belarusian trade Union of workers of the industries "BELPROFMASH" Valery Kuzmich, Head of Department of Social and Labour Relations of the Gomel Association Maxim Serepkov and Chairman of Zhlobin Executive Committee Ivan Naumenko.

- In 2017, Byelorussian Steel Works fulfilled all plans, was able to equalize the financial situation, increase production and export of all types of products, — said General Director of BMZ Anatoly Savenok. - This overall result consists of individual achievements in all areas of the enterprise. In 2017, BMZ directed BYN 11.6 million to the social sphere and the payments stipulated by the collective agreement (for example, for improvement of the children's health, additional payments for workers – pensioners). Continuous and purposeful activities in social area make the plant an attractive employer, which is confirmed by a small staff turnover.
The trade Union Committee of the enterprise is a reliable partner of BMZ management. He not only controls the fulfillment of the employer's obligations, but also takes an active part in providing the workers with various bonuses.
The Chairman of trade-Union Committee Alexander Koleda informed the delegates about the activities of BMZ trade Union Committee for the implementation of the Collective Agreement in 2017.

After discussing the reports, the conference issued a resolution on the adoption of the Collective Agreement for 2018-2021. The new document is based on the collective agreement, which was in force at BMZ earlier, but there are also changes. Thus, the amount of social payments has been increased, the functions of public inspectors for labor protection have been expanded, and an additional benefit is provided for employees who are transferred to the enterprises of the BMC holding, etc.