
20-03-2018 2402 Views

BMZ has received the certificate in the field of construction design.

OJSC "BSW —management company "BMC" holding” has received the conformity certificate of quality management system to the requirements of STB ISO 9001: 2015 "QMS in the field of design and construction".

The scope of the certificate applies to the functions of General designer, development of pre-project (pre-investment) documentation, sections of project documentation in the implementation of construction activities; functions of customer and developer; provision of engineering services for the integrated management of construction activities with the implementation of works engineering supervision.

Two-stage certification audit of the BMZ quality management system in the field of design and construction was carried out by representatives of the certification body of CJSC "Technical Institute of Certification and Testing" and OJSC "Standartnoby". The auditors noted the positive aspects related to the clear traceability of documentation, competence of the personnel of the audited departments, risk analysis, records management. According to the results of audit non-conformities were found.