
29-01-2018 2485 Views

BSW is recognized as the best employer of the country.

OJSC BSW - management company of the BMC holding, was awarded the highest award in the nomination "Socially responsible brand" as the best employer of the country. At the ceremony of 17th annual republican competition "Brand of the Year", held on 26 of January, representatives of BSW were awarded a gold medal of a winner.


The Award "Best employer" according to the terms of the prestigious competition are awarded to companies that have proven themselves as socially responsible and conduct an active social policy in the field of personnel development. This refers to both guarantees of employment and fair wages provided for in the legislation, as well as on providing opportunities for professional and personal growth, training and development, providing comfortable workplaces, high-tech business processes, observance of rules of internal corporate ethics, etc. 

All the declared criteria are clearly in line with the Belorussian Metallurgical Plant, which employs more than 11,500 workers. So, only in providing safe and healthy working conditions, BSW invested 2.4 million rubles in 2017. About 38 million rubles was spent on incentive payments. An important element of the corporate culture of the enterprise is the system of non-material encouragement. About 30 types of production competitions and solemn events are held annually at BSW: "Best in profession", "Professional Olympus", honoring labor dynasties, entering into the plant Book of Honor, Honors Board, "Alley of Glory", etc. 

Particular attention in the personnel policy of the company is given to working with young people. Here it is worth noting that for the last 5 years 1434 young specialists have been employed at the plant. For the purpose of their professional development and career growth, several interrelated programs have been developed and are operating at BSW. A key place in their list is assigned to the adaptation of young specialists and the rotation of personnel. This approach allows young people to integrate quickly in productive and social life, declare their abilities and build their careers.

Speaking of BSW as the best employer, it should be noted that the company never forgets about its veterans. So, today in the plant council of veterans was held about three thousand people - people who made an invaluable contribution to the development and formation of the Belarusian metallurgy. Various support measures are provided for the veterans of work at BSW: monthly charging of additional payments to a pension; payment of one-time material assistance to the Day of Older Persons; free service in the medical part of the enterprise; complimentary subscription to the "Metallurg" newspaper, etc. In January 2017, a new tradition was born at BSW - the presentation of commemorative medals "Veteran of Work of BSW" to plant workers who worked at the plant for more than 25 years. The reward is financially supported by 5 basic values. 

Recognition of BSW as the best employer of the country once again confirms that the image of the enterprise is at a high level both in the eyes of business partners and the public. The employees appreciate their enterprise. This is evidenced by the results of sociological research: the complex personnel satisfaction index, which includes 30 components, in the last 10 years at BSW corresponds to a high level.