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24-10-2018 1710 Views

BMZ- became a two-time award winner of the association the "Foundry and metallurgy 2018. Belarus"

JSC " BSW – the management company of the “BMC “ holding” was rewarded with two awards at the 26th International scientific and technical conference   “Foundry and metallurgy 2018. Belarus.» The prize-winner of the association of "Foundry and metallurgy 2018. Belarus” award for “the Best scientific and production work of a young scientist or engineer “was an employee of plant  research center Alexander Strelchenko, the leader of the company is recognized in the nomination “the Best innovative project”.


The International scientific and technical conference"Foundry and metallurgy 2018. Belarus " on October 17-18 gathered in Minsk on the basis of BNTU national and foreign representatives of the industry to discuss the results of the year and future prospects. One of the most solemn moments of the conference was the celebration of the association of “Foundry and metallurgy 2018. Belarus”prize winners. This year, four awards were presented in the categories “The Best innovative project implemented in the foundry and metallurgical industries, aimed at improving products quality, energy and resource saving” and “The Best scientific and production work of a young scientist or engineer”. Two of them went to Zhlobin to the Byelorussian metallurgical plant.


   The best innovative project, according to the decision of the jury, is the BMZ project to increase the productivity of steel secondary treatment, the economic effect of which will be more than $ 15 million per year.

   The best scientific and production work is the research of the young engineer of BMZ Alexander Strelchenko devoted to the improvement of calibration of rolls of Rolling shop № 2. It should be noted that Alexander came to the enterprise only in 2017 and in a short period of time managed to declare himself at the plant and international scientific and technical conferences, take part in the development of advanced technologies and new products, and also became a master's degree in "Metallurgy".

   Within the framework of the ISTC, the work of industry specialists in thematic sections was held, as well as round tables conference were held. In them, as well as in the specialized exhibition that unfolded at the conference venues, the employees of BMZ took an active part.