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05-10-2018 1680 Views

BMZ will complete extensive reconstruction of Fume treatment-3 in 2019

OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" plans to put new Fume treatment-3 into operation in 2019. Total investments to construct it would exceed $13,5 mln. Implementation of the costly project aims to reduce emissions of polluting substances into atmosphere.

Presently, more than 55% of funds planned to perform extensive reconstruction of Fume treatment – 3 has already been utilized. Finish company ‘WaterGroupLtd’ supplied required equipment in full, general designer – ‘Belpromproekt’ – performed required projects. A lot of construction and installation work was done on site. So to finish it, BMZ has to stop electric arc furnace-3 for more than 120 days. This has been scheduled for April 2019. Within this period of time construction workers will have to dismantle old gas ducts, cooler and aeration lanterns, as well as install new equipment. Reconstruction of water treatment, boiler rooms 2, 3, etc. is planned within this standstill.

   Total capacity of new Fume Treatment-3 will exceed 1,3 mln cubic meters/ h vs. 600 thou. available now. Among other important features, new dust-collecting chamber is worth mentioning. It would serve as CO post-combustion chamber at the same time. Anothernewpeculiarityiscoolingsystemforwastegases. New cooler will naturally cool them when in contact with ambient air and decrease gas temperature due to bigger area of pipes. This technical solution does not require special fans and would decrease consumption of electric power.

   Presently, there are three Fume treatment units operated by BMZ. Only within 9 months of this year the enterprise channeled more than $1,3 mln to repair and maintain them, approx. $660 thou. outofitwas used to purchase filters.