Production of steel cord at BMZ overstepped 1 800 000 t.
1 mln. 800 thousandth t. of steel cord was dispatched by Steel wire shop – 2 on October 1st. That much of this product have been produced by Steel wire shops – 1, 2 since BMZ commissioned steel cord & wire production in the past.

So to honour this fact, a box of anniversary ton received symbolic labels and made its way to dispatch areato the applause. The festive box with product will be sent to Nizhnekamsk Tyre Plant.

In January – September 2018 BMZ produced 68 thou. tons of steel cord. This year this product has been exported to 17 countries. Russia, Germany, Czech Republic, Romania and Slovenia are top consumers of Byelorussian steel cord.
Steel cord is one of trademarks of Byelorussian Steel Works. Its production started back in November 1987. Presently, more than 100 constructions of steel cord have been mastered by BMZ. New super and ultra high strength constructions of steel cord are constantly being mastered in the company’s shops for top tyre companies. Development of manufacturing process for mono steel cord can be noted as promising, as well as mastering production of new constructions used to produce large size and super large size tyres.