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09-11-2013 2838 Views

Steel blooms of BSW were approved by Lucchini for production of rails

     At the end of October trial batch of blooms from Byelorussian Steel Works designated for production of rails was approved at one of the enterprises of Lucchini in Italy. In perspective volume of supplied material to that company can reach 50 thousand tons per year.

Trial batch of blooms section 300х400mm in the amount of 386 t was melted and casted in July of the current year.  Works were carried out by joint efforts of specialists of Technical Board, process engineers of the Scrap yard and Steel melting shop №2 within the framework of research work «Development and adoption of process technology for steel grade R260». This steel grade is basic for production of rails but has peculiarities of chemical composition. Due to that fact it was required to use in a charge «pure» materials and accurate process of steel refining at EAF-3 and during out-of-furnace treatment in ladle furnace -2.

   By the time of BSW representatives visit to the plant Lucchini in October of the current year, Italian specialists had processed blooms of BSW. No quality claims were raised regarding to product of Zhlobin metallurgists and that means whole batch after processing will be sold to the customers of Italian company.

   It is necessary to point out that based on test results of the trial batch volume of supplies to the company can increase next year. According to statement of Roberto Gotti, Director of Dismas Trading s.r.l., which is one of the distributors of OJSC «BSW – management company of «BMC» holding», enterprise Lucchini is ready to purchase in 2014 around 50 thousand tons of blooms. Besides that order, at the moment specialists of the plant are studying request for production of blooms according to specification of American consumers of rails.