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20-07-2013 3723 Views

BSW started to erect the third air separation unit

A solemn ceremony was held at BSW on July 19, 2013 and a capsule with a message to descendants was laid down in the foundation of the unit.

For implementation of the project BSW established a joint-venture named BSW-GKS JV Ltd. together with its partners “BELMET Handelsgesellschaft mbH. (Austria), “Belastahl Aussenhandel GmbH. (Germany) and Iron Trade Ltd. and OJSC “Pskovvtormet” (Russia). Construction of the air separation unit which required investment of EUR25,5 million will allow BSW to exclude possible deficiency of technical gases, and reduce the expenses for oxygen purchasing. CommissioningofthefacilityisplannedforJanuary, 2015.

   It is worth mentioning that BSW average monthly consumption of oxygen for technical purposes is about 9,4 mln m3, 3 mln. m3 of which are bought externally. The new plant capable of producing up to 10 000 Nm3/h of oxygen gas will allow the plant to avoid purchasing of this material completely which is very important for the plant because it increases the capacity of its steel melting production.

   As we have already informed, BSW plans to reach 3 mln tons level of steel melting in 2015. So as to achieve this target, the plant is carrying out one of the most large-scale modernization projects in its history. Just a few days ago EAF No.1 was shut down. Within 70 days — this is the time period determined for modernization of the furnace — oxygen technologies will be introduced, hydraulic and control systems of the furnace will be improved so as to raise its output to 1 million tpy. Our experience (similar work was performed on EAF No.2) shows that this action may also decrease the specific consumption of power and electrodes as well as the melting time of a heat. This will be possible subject to uninterrupted delivery of oxygen to the plant. This issue will be resolved with the help of air separation unit No3.