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19-11-2012 3007 Views

Subjects of commodity distribution network of BSW summarized results of their work for 9 months of the year 2012

Sales of products by subjects of OJSC «BSW — management company of «BMC» holding» commodity distribution network for 9 months of the year 2012 in value terms constituted 62,7% (in 2011 — 55, 4%). Mentioned values were stated at meeting with subjects of commodity distribution network, which has recently been held at BSW.

At the meeting the following subjects of CDN made reports: JV «Belmet» (Austria), JV «Belastahl» (Germany), JV «Bel-Cap-Steel» (USA), TF «BSW-Baltija» (Lithuania), TF «BSW-Moscow». They reported values for achieved for the last 9 months and expected values by the end of the year. It is necessary to emphasize working efficiency of TF «BSW-Baltija» (Lithuania) and TF «BSW-Moscow». Share of products sales by Lithuanian company has increased for the last 9 month up to 7,01% comparing to 5,21% in a similar period of the last year, by company TF «BSW-Moscow» — up to 18,93% (2011 — 13,57%).

Special attention at the meeting was paid to development of new markets, arrangement of warehouses, establishment of service centers and additional financing. At the end of the meeting General Director Mr. Savenok made a summary and set up targets for the nearest future.

— We understand necessity to increase volume of sales. We have to do our best to do that. Probably, we will have to redistribute exported product therefore we must be ready for that. Targets for all types of product have been defined, — said General Director OJSC «BSW — management company of «BMC» holding» Anatoliy Savenok.

At the end of the meeting General Director reminded that as usually, in December, all subjects of CDN will defend their business plan and financing plans for the year 2013.