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06-06-2012 3114 Views


The representatives of the company «Pirelli Tire S.p.A.». visited the Byelorussian Steel Works during the last days of May. The business partners during their visit evaluated the possibilities of a new bead bronzing wire aggregate and some perspectives of consumption values increase of Zhlobin metallurgist.

Every month OJSC “BMZ” realizes to the company Pirelli about 250 thousand ton of its products. It is worth to mention that this company occupies the fifth position in the world as for the sells output of tires. At the sector of this kind of items production It has 24 factories and is presented by the company «Pirelli Tire», that is specialized in tires of premium segment.

— We buy bead wire from BMZ for our factory in Rumania during one year and a half and would like to increase supply volumes not only for the Romanian branch. Our object is to understand how these items produced in new aggregate correspond to the previous ones. Even during preliminary negotiations we had mentioned some fundamental differences and we would like to confirm them. And now we see that a line is really very good. We plan to continue collaborating with BMZ, getting from here the product of the same quality, — had commented the Technical development director Guido Luidgi Dadghini.

We remind you that a new aggregate of bead bronzing wire had been started in May in Byelorussian Steel Works, it will permit, basing on preliminary calculations, to increase the annual production of mentioned product on 15 percent and to improve its quality.