Steel fiber

Micro fiber

Steel grade:
Wire according to GOST 3282-74
Wire according to GOST 9389-75
TU 14-1-5564-2008  


Values and their deviations
Length L, (mm) 12±1 13±1 13±1 13±1
Nominal diameter D, (mm) +0,01
Fiber index, L/D 60±9 52±8 43±7 37±6
Mass oа 1000 fibers, kg 0,003 0,007 0,010 0,014
Fiber waviness is allowed with deviation from straight direction 1 mm
the weight of a fiber is help size

The fiber is packed to cardboard boxes made of multi-layer cardboard as per state standard 7376 having overall dimensions 247х247х270 мм, 160х335х485 mm. The net mass of one packing unit – in coordination with the consumer, but not exceed 25 kg. Deviation from the net mass of the fiber mentioned in the packing unit must not exceed ±1%. Packaging to boxes having the dimensions of 247х247х270 mm is performed in the following way:

  • Boxes with fibers are placed to a polyethylene bag as per state standard 10354 in four layers according to a 3х4х4 scheme.
  • The polyethylene bag is located in a box made of corrugated cardboard as per state standard 7376, which consists of a shell having dimensions 1060х800х660 mm, the base having overall dimensions 1075х810х110 mm and a cover having overall dimensions 1075х820х540 mm.
  • Boxes are mounted onto a wooden pallet having overall dimensions 1080х820х166 mm. Cardboard boxes are fixed to a wooden pallet by means of a polypropylene or polyester tape. Packaging to boxes having the dimensions of 160х335х485 mm is performed in the following way:
  • Boxes with fibers are placed on a wooden pallet having overall dimensions 1080х820х166 mm in nine layers according to 5х9 scheme.
  • Cardboard boxes and the wooden pallet are wrapped with polyethylene as per state standard 10354. Use of a sticky film is supposed.

Steel fibers must be stored in packages, in dry premises. Terms of fiber storage and transportation, as far as impact of environmental climatic factors is concerned, according to term 1 of the state standard 15150.
The fibers are supplied as per ту by 400074854.628-2009 (Belarus) and TU 14-1-5564-2008 (Russian Federation).

Your manager:

Head of the wholesale trade sector
+7 (495) 649-65-78 add.117