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01-04-2011 2739 Views

9-th meeting of the Board of Quality Leaders Club of the Central and Eastern European countries.

9-th meeting of the Board of Quality Leaders Club of the Central and Eastern European countries (CEE QLC) was conducted on the base of RUE “BMZ” 24.03.2011; the plant is its member from 2008

CEE QLC – is an association of enterprises and organizations from Russia, the Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Hungary and other countries, having status of winners, laureates and finalists of the International Quality Tournament of the Central and Eastern European countries. One of the targets of the Club is an international popularization and promotion of enterprises and their achievements, assistance them on organization of cooperation with European partners. The Club Board consists from enterprises top managers, who chose the way of continuous business improvement and increase of their production competitiveness.

Attended at the meeting:
President of the Ukrainian Quality Association Kalyta P.Y., the first Deputy chairman of Gosstandart of the Republic of Belarus Nazarenko V.V., Manager of OAO Institute “Gomelproekt” (Belarus) Tishkevich A.I., Manager of RUE “Gomel Center of Standardization, Metrology and Certification” Kazachok A.V. and the leaders of such enterprises as OAO “ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih” (the Ukraine), ЗАО “Novokramatorsky Machine Building Plant” (the Ukraine), Byelorussian State Institute of Standardization and Certification (the Republic of Belarus), the branch of the state unitary enterprise “St. Petersburg Vodocanal” “Transport and Logistics” (Russia), the branch of “St. Petersburg Vodootvedenie”, the branch of “St. Petersburg Water Supply”, OOO “АОЗТ Company Saturn Data International”(the Ukraine) and many others.

At the meeting the companies – Club members were recommended to increase their social responsibility for satisfaction of interested parties following the principles of UNO Global Compact.